Kinder Überkleid Asta
Kinder Überkleid Asta
Kinder Überkleid Asta

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Kinder Überkleid Asta

€ 20,13

inkl. 19% MwSt,
zzgl. Versandkosten*


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Dress Asta is a simple overdress with short sleeves and a boat neckline for kids. Designed to be tied on top of an inner slip such as a Children’s Shift or Children’s Dress, the Asta Dress adds layering while still allowing you to show-off your entire costume. The dress reaches from the shoulders to the ankles and has a wide skirt with plenty of room, making movement easy. Made from comfortable green cotton and detailed with contrasting blue sleeves, this dress is designed to be a comfortable and colorful addition to your child’s costume. The cut is handsome but moderate, and will suit your child in a variety of medieval settings.


100% Cotton

Artikel ID



Size 6-8 9-11 12-14
Bust 76 cm 84 cm 90 cm
Sleeve length 45 cm 51 cm 55 cm
Length 91 cm 101 cm 110 cm

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