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Constance Rock

€ 172,90

inkl. 19% MwSt,
zzgl. Versandkosten*


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Amazing Steampunk inspired ladies long layered brocade skirt with gold satin trim. A stunning iconic garment made from intricate floral patterned brocade trimmed with a beautiful contrasting gold satin ribbon. This particular skirt has a 2inch/5.1cm black elasticated waistband to ensure a comfortable and secure fit. The top layer measures 14inch/35.6cm long and the middle and bottom layers are made up from 14inch/35.6cm black canvas top and 17inch/43.2cm brocade. This elegant Steampunk style skirt is great for fancy occasions where formal attire is required, also perfect for masquerade type balls.


100% Polyester

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